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Hints, tips and know-how

Alternative provisions

  • Try a spoonful of marmalade to sweeten a curry sauce

  •  Slice a banana as an accompaniment with curry (70’s Retro)

  •  Make cauliflower rice if no normal rice available:

    • simply grate or blitz the white parts of a cauliflower then dry off any excess moisture using kitchen towel. To cook sauté in a large skillet over medium heat in 1 Tbsp oil. Use a lid to cover so the cauliflower steams and becomes more tender. Cook for a total of 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally, then season as desired (such as with soy sauce, herbs or salt and pepper).

  •  If you have no potatoes for a Cottage pie:

            150g Greek yogurt

            100ml Milk

            2 Large eggs

            A pinch of Turmeric (optional)

      Whisk all of the ingredients together pour onto the mince base and bake for

      25-30 minutes until set

  • Gelatine measures - when recipes use tsps, ounces or ml but you have leaves

    • 2 leaves = 1 tsp​

    • 2tsps = 10ml

    • 4tsps = 8 leaves = 20ml - 3/4 ounce.....this amount of gelatine will set 500ml

    • If you want a firmer set, or don't have fridge space use 30ml, 12 leaves to set 500ml liquid

Handy hints
  • Keep butter wrappers to grease cake tins etc. Without foil elements they can also be placed on top of a roast chicken/turkey while it is in the oven, remove for the last 30 minutes to brown the top.

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